This is Dr. Jay. And this is Maple.
We help students, artists, athletes, academics, and other high-level performers break out of old patterns and bring out the best in themselves.
Office Location
269 South Main Street
Suite A
Providence, RI 02903
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
(617) 684-5689
Online Availability
I can see you online if you are located in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and most other US states and territories.
About Dr. Jay & Maple
Dr. Jay Soucy
I'm originally from Boston and I've lived in New York, Paris, Los Angeles, Berkeley, and Providence. My clinical interests include the intersection of the performing arts and psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, Buddhist psychology, sports psychology, psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, and canine-assisted psychotherapy.
My teaching and academic writing have centered on what acting and improvisational technique have to offer psychotherapeutic technique, the relationship between psychoanalysis and social justice, and doctoring in psychotherapy for clinicians in training.
I have been Part-Time Faculty at Boston College, where I taught psychology graduate students at the Lynch School of Education. I am also Past President of the Massachusetts Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology and a past Scholar of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association.
In addition to my work as a psychologist, I've written, directed, and acted in films, released music as a singer, songwriter, and guitarist, and performed sketch, improv, and musical comedy in Los Angeles and New York City.
Maple is a four-year-old English Chocolate Labrador Retriever and works in the office with me every day.
She is incredibly sweet, happy, and mellow, and is content to curl up with you or give you space–whatever you need in the moment.
Her birthday is October 6th. She loves food, smelling things, food, soccer balls, food, meeting new people, food, wrestling with other dogs, and also food.
Columbia University, New York, NY
Bachelor of Arts, Film Studies
Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA
Doctor of Psychology
VA Medical Center, Bedford, MA
APA-accredited Psychology Intern
Tufts University, Medford, MA
Postdoctoral Fellow
Clinical Expertise
I specialize in healing trauma, anxiety, creative and performance blocks, existential and relationship issues, and the impacts of social forces on mental health. I tend to fit well with patients who are insightful, creative, funny, introspective, curious, and ready for change.
Informed by my background in the arts, I harness the power of creativity and improvisation to build the therapeutic relationship, identify unhelpful relational patterns, expand repertoires of coping responses, and foster creativity, vitality, and play.
I value understanding and healing the impact of the past and then using those insights and increased health to make active changes in the present that build a different future.
My clinical lens is grounded in contemporary psychoanalytic approaches, behavioral and mindfulness-based therapies including Schema Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and decolonization, feminist, Marxist, and queer theories.
I believe that psychotherapy need not be a rarefied, exclusively serious space. Lightness, fun, and a genuine connection are just as important as the more vulnerable work we do.
I hope for solidarity amongst and the liberation of all peoples.
I see most people for weekly psychotherapy, some more often, and some less often. I also practice ketamine-assisted psychotherapy.
Are you accepting new patients?
My practice is currently full. Check back here for updates in the future.
Are you seeing patients in person?
What are your fees?
Individual Therapy for Adults
$300, initial intake visit
$250, ongoing visits
Therapy for Partners
$350, initial intake visit
$300, ongoing visits
Do you offer sliding-scale or low fee visits?
I maintain a set number of pro bono and low fee spots in my practice. Currently they are all occupied.
Do you take my insurance?
I accept the student health insurance plans for Brown University and Tufts University’s Medford and SMFA campuses. The copay for Brown is $15. The copay for Tufts is $10.
What if I have insurance that you don’t accept?
I accept payment from you in full and then provide statements that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement if your plan has out-of network benefits.
To find the amount of my fee that your insurance may cover, please call them directly.
Can I see you if I move or travel out of state?
I can see you online if you are located in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and most other US states and territories.
How do I pronounce your last name?
Well folks, it is like “juicy” with an “s.”
Send Us a Message
I do my best to get back to all inquiries within 24 business hours. You are also welcome to text me at (617) 684-5689.